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Help! I'm Struggling to Lose Weight

Oct 02, 2023
Help! I'm Struggling to Lose Weight
If you’re one of the millions of Americans who can’t lose weight, we can help! Learn how medically supervised weight loss can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Losing weight and keeping it off is very hard. That’s why more than two-thirds of adults in the United States are overweight or obese

Many people think that failure to lose weight is a failure of willpower, but often that’s not the case. Because of a complex interaction between hormones and neurons in your hypothalamus, the part of your brain that controls hunger and thirst, your body sometimes seeks to store fat — and works against your efforts to lose weight.

Many people who have tried repeatedly to lose weight through diet and exercise but were unsuccessful are turning to medical weight loss for help and support. 

At M. Zafar, MD, Dr. Zafar and his team offer innovative weight loss tools, including the use of Tirzepatide (the active ingredient of Mounjaro™) and Semaglutide (the active ingredient of Ozempic™ and Wegovy™), expert support, and lifestyle strategies to help you lose the weight you want to lose

Why do people struggle to lose weight?

There are a variety of reasons why it’s so difficult for many people to shed excess pounds. For some, it’s simply a matter of their genetics. Genetic factors can influence how your body stores fat, how it responds to exercise, and, to some extent, which foods you crave.

Some people have slower metabolisms. Metabolism is the process by which your body converts food into energy. Some people naturally have faster metabolisms, which means they burn calories more quickly, making it easier to lose weight. On the other hand, some individuals inherit slower metabolisms, making weight loss a more challenging task.

Other factors that can impede your weight loss goals are hormonal imbalances and psychological barriers. Stress, depression, and anxiety can cause many people to turn to food for comfort. 

How to break the weight loss barrier

Excess weight can not only affect your self-esteem but also your health. People who are overweight or obese are at higher risk of developing many diseases and conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. For those at risk of developing chronic diseases, it’s imperative that they lose weight.

Many who have failed on diet after diet are turning to medically supervised weight loss programs. Dr. Zafar offers a comprehensive medically supervised plan that includes innovative and effective weight loss treatments like Semaglutide and Tirzepatide. Additionally, he provides an exercise and diet plan and ongoing support to help you on your successful weight loss journey.

If you’re ready to lose weight with professional support and guidance, book an appointment online with Dr. Zafar. He has offices in Flanagan and Streator, Illinois and serves patients statewide via telehealth.